Episode 10 - What is Love? And how is it connected to the teachings of Munay

In this episode Jhaimy reflects on the meaning of love and how as human beings we are always in search of this seemingly abstract idea. He shares that in the Andes there is a Quechua word - Munay - which is one of the Seven Andean Principles that embraces the energy of sweetness, beauty, love and magic in the same moment. He explains how each of these aspects of Munay provides a step to enter into the doorway to experience this energy in its fullness.

"In the Andean tradition love is one step that we need to walk in our way of finding and expressing Munay.”

“Munay is such a big and beautiful medicine that teaches us how to embrace in a beautiful way everything, or all our relations, in the conscious and unconscious way.”

“Munay is an energy that moves in four steps. These four steps are four different realities or windows, doors that bring communion. The union of all of the different parts, pieces, realities of your life. And it also brings communion to all...

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Episode 9 - How important is it to have a physical teacher?

In this episode, Jhaimy responds to a question that has been asked of him many times over the years. How important is it to have a physical teacher or can we explore spirituality on our own? He dives deeper into this question and shares his perspective and experience.

“More important than the ceremonies or the experience that we live is the interpretation of what we lived and what is the message there.”

“The Ancestors have already been walking and exploring spirituality in such a deep, deep way.”

“There is the easy way and the correct way.”


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Episode 8 - Illusions and the Feeling of Separation

In this episode Jhaimy shares Andean teachings as connected to the concept of Illusions and feelings of separation. He offers wisdom from his Elders and from his personal path that will support listeners in better understanding how this energy works in our lives and how it can be transformed.

“We don’t need to seek anything outside, maybe what we need to do is to look deep within ourselves.”

“Share your essence, share who you are, share your heart.”

“Whatever I do for me, immediately I do for humanity. First for my family, second for my community and third for all the humanity. And fourth, for nature, for Mother Earth and for the Cosmos. It is something we forget because of our feelings of separation.”

“If you are clear in your process, if you find clarity, you will create a healthy relationship with everyone and everything around you.”

“Remember that life is simple but complex in the same moment. And that maybe when you...

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Episode 7 - The Legend of Ikari: Finding the Return of the Light Within

This episode was first shared as a FB Live sharing with Jhaimy in our Children of the Seven Rays Community.

In this episode Jhaimy shares the legend of the Inkari in the Andes and how we can learn from this traditional story and teachings for the monumental times that we are living in today. He further reflects on how we can re-generate and re-build ourselves through empowering the seed of life within.

“The process of regeneration is not an easy journey but it is powerful and beautiful in the end.”

“The question is how do we want to re-create ourselves and to come back? Do we want to regenerate ourselves with fear and frustration or with illumination and principally with compassion and live.”

“There are many things that are happening around us right now that are not easy to digest but do not focus there, focus in your own life and bring back this light.”

“This light needs to be gentle, needs to be in harmony, but principally from...

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Episode 6 - Embracing and Understanding Fear

In this podcast episode Jhaimy reflects on our relationship to fear and how our fears can be one of our biggest teachers. He shares his personal journey and experience with embracing and harmonizing fears to create a healthy and respectful relationship within including:

  • How we can move through the energy of fears and interpret them in the correct way.
  • The teaching of “fears are not really fears but rather absolute respect for everything that we don’t know.”
  • How to transform our fears into our biggest teachers and work with them to better understand ourselves.
  • A powerful practice that we can apply in our lives to embrace our fears and learn what they are trying to teach us.
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Episode 5 - Working with Medicine/Master plants begins with the relationship...

As a Traditional Curandero who has walked the path of working with plant masters for over 30 years Jhaimy is often asked about Plant Medicine and how to begin the first steps of establishing this relationship. In this episode Jhaimy shares how creating a strong relationship with a Master Plant is the most important part of first connecting with the Spirit of the plant, even more important than the ceremony itself. What quality of relationship, or Ayni (right-relationship) are we establishing through our intention of coming to be with the medicine? Jhaimy shares valuable teachings and protocols when approaching working with Plant Masters from a place of reverence and humility.


“When you have a strong connection with the medicine you realize that it is not just a simple plant, but a Spirit that comes into your life to guide you, support you and protect you.”


“The medicine plants teach you how to be the best human that it is possible to be.”


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Episode 4 - Digesting your personal process to find internal peace with yourself

 Heart of the Condor

Episode 4 - Digesting your personal process to find your internal peace with yourself

In this episode Jhaimy shares how the Andean traditions teach us about how to process and digest our experiences so that we can better understand the teachings that we are receiving.  He speaks about how traditions can guide you in the process of digesting and understanding your mission in life. Also how to interpret symbolism and metaphors in the spiritual world to then come home to your heart and this human reality which is perfect in its imperfection.

Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta is a Traditional Curandero (healer) from Cusco, Peru who is committed to empowering individuals on their spiritual path to become the best version of themselves through connecting deeply with their heart while being grounded in Mother Earth and connected to the Cosmos.

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Episode 3 - The Mesa Tradition of the Andes

Heart of the Condor

Episode 3 - The Mesa Tradition of the Andes

In this episode, Jhaimy shares a beautiful traditional Andean teaching around the Creation of the world and how this is connected to the creation of our own personal universe through the creation of our Mesa. He also shares how the Mesa Path can support us in remembering our heart and the power of our Soul, how it provides us with an anchor point in our lives, and the elements that provide the foundation of our Mesa. Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta is a Traditional Curandero (healer) from Cusco, Peru who is committed to empowering individuals on their spiritual path to become the best version of themselves through connecting deeply with their heart while being grounded in Mother Earth and connected to the Cosmos.

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Episode 2- The Andean Cosmo-vision

podcast Jul 20, 2021

 Heart of the Condor

Episode 2 - The Andean Cosmo-vision

In this episode Jhaimy shares the key elements of the Andean Cosmo-vision and Worldview. He explains how the Andean people perceive God as Mother/Father God and balance this parity as well as the relationship between Mother Earth and the Cosmos. He also discusses Pacha -Time and Space and the beginning of the Universe and different aspects of feminine and masculine energies and how these are woven together.

Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta is a Traditional Curandero (healer) from Cusco, Peru who is committed to empowering individuals on their spiritual path to become the best version of themselves through connecting deeply with their heart while being grounded in Mother Earth and connected to the Cosmos.

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Episode 1 - What is Indigenous knowledge and Tradition?

Heart of the Condor

Episode 1 - What is Indigenous knowledge and Tradition?

In this episode Jhaimy shares more about how Indigenous knowledge and Tradition provides us with a map and reference point of how to exist in the world and our relationship to Mother Earth and the Cosmos. He speaks about how through the Traditions our Ancestors left us with a legacy of how to understand how everything is connected and how we as humans are a part of a larger home that we share with all of existence.  In the Andes there is a beautiful understanding about the relationship and co-existence with everyone and everything and Jhaimy speaks more about how we can learn to be a good human through the mantra of “remember.” He also shares more about the connection between the Eagle and the Condor and the Indigenous people of the North and the South.

Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta is a Traditional Curandero (healer) from Cusco, Peru who is committed to empowering individuals on their spiritual...

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